The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes some entrepreneurs’ hearts beat faster, while others feel great pressure at the thought of it. After all, it is one of the megatrends of our time. For companies, the question is: how can they use AI to exploit new potential and avoid being left behind?
The possibilities are truly enormous. However, the associated challenges and uncertainties are just as great as the visions, ideas and expectations. And that is precisely why many companies struggle to use AI and cannot move forward without support – support that we can now offer. Because for us it is clear: Artificial intelligence will be an integral part of modern working environments in the future – and we can and want to accompany companies on their way to an AI-empowered future.
In our blog, we shed light on the challenges companies face and introduce you to our AI services.
Uncertainty slows down companies' AI plans
The topic of AI is accompanied by just as much optimism as uncertainty. A survey of German companies conducted by the digital association Bitkom shows that 68% of respondents (tend to) see AI as an opportunity, while only 20% (tend to) see it as a risk. However, little use has been made of the potential so far: Only 15% of companies are using AI, 28% are planning or discussing it, while for 52% it is not a topic at all. This is also because managers who could drive the topic forward are hesitant – as a study by the Institute for Leadership Culture in the Digital Age shows: Only 21% of managers are actively advocating greater use of AI.
Why are many companies struggling with AI?
There are various reasons for this:
- Lack of expertise: Companies often lack a clear idea of what they should use AI for and how the ideas can be implemented. This requires experts who can develop use cases, evaluate and develop models and support implementation – also into existing processes and systems. And all of this requires financial resources as well as human resources, of course.
- Questionable quality: It is unclear whether existing technologies are already fully mature and whether good data and models are available for custom developments. Both are essential. After all, expectations are high: AI should be reliable, fast, individual, natural and easy to use, understand the context, master complexity and constantly learn. Right? Not an easy task!
- Complex concerns: Many companies have concerns about data protection and security. And two other important questions are not easy to answer either: What impact does AI have on social aspects, interpersonal relationships within the company and our society? And how can sustainability and AI be reconciled?
AI at the EBF
When used correctly, Artificial Intelligence has great potential: it can automate processes, facilitate data processing, increase productivity and support both decision-making and innovation. It can revolutionize many industries – from healthcare to finance and insurance to logistics.
But for this to happen, companies need to solve the challenges mentioned above. And that’s where we can help! Because AI is of course also a focus topic for us – in two ways: on the one hand, we want to support companies with their AI projects and have expanded our portfolio to include extensive consulting and development services. On the other hand, we want to add AI to our own services in the right places.
Our consulting and development services for customers
- Data: Data is essential for AI. High-performance AI solutions can only be developed if a sufficient amount of high-quality data is available. We help you with the collection, anonymization and provision of data.
- Model: We help you to select a suitable base model, develop it further, find the right parameters and queries and implement it in an environment such as PyCharm, Colab, Jupyter or similar. Always with a view to efficient use of resources.
- Training: Training is paramount when it comes to AI. We train the model in the selected environment with test data, make the necessary adjustments and achieve the goal through the right experiments.
- Deployment: We provide the model and an interface for its use, apply evaluation or prediction methods and continuously develop the model further.
With our AI consulting and development services, we can help companies move towards a future with AI and make AI projects a success. In doing so, we ensure that the AI reacts as expected – quickly, efficiently and with confidence.
Expanding our services with AI
- Faster and better support: We have the vision of using AI to make our support for customers even easier, faster and better in the future – both in terms of registering and solving problems.
- Optimized access to our documentationen: We want to solve our customers’ questions faster and easier and enable interaction with our documentation via chatbot.

Take the path with AI with us!
We all realize: The potential of AI meets many questions. Let us help you with this. Together, we can overcome the challenges of planning and implementing AI projects and take the all-important step towards a future with AI. Contact us to discuss how we can support your AI journey – for modern working environments that inspire employees and enable progress.