Only 54% of companies provide remote work options that are suitable for the long term.
44% of organizations that have adopted remote work reported user experience issues.
58% of companies had to increase spending slightly or significantly to create or improve remote work capabilities due to the pandemic.
Flexible, digital work has long been seen as the work model of the future. However, what was previously only an option suddenly became a necessity in 2020. How have European companies addressed these challenges? What steps do they still need to take? Those are just some of the questions the Enterprise Mobility Expert Alliance (EMEA) explored in a comprehensive survey with 329 participants from across Europe. The survey produced exciting but alarming findings: Even though many organizations have realized the initial foundations for mobile working, most still leave great potential untapped.
At this online event, six leading European mobility experts will present the results of the study, existing challenges, discover potential and get recommendations for action. Join us to find out how to make your employees not only more satisfied but also more motivated and productive, regardless of whether you are just starting out or looking to refine existing plans.
Flexible, digital work has long been seen as the work model of the future. However, what was previously only an option suddenly became a necessity in 2020. How have European companies addressed these challenges? What steps do they still need to take? Those are just some of the questions the Enterprise Mobility Expert Alliance (EMEA) explored in a comprehensive survey with 329 participants from across Europe. The survey produced exciting but alarming findings: Even though many organizations have realized the initial foundations for mobile working, most still leave great potential untapped.
At this online event, six leading European mobility experts will present the results of the study, existing challenges, discover potential and get recommendations for action. Join us to find out how to make your employees not only more satisfied but also more motivated and productive, regardless of whether you are just starting out or looking to refine existing plans.
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- Key results from the „Tomorrow’s Digital Workplace“ report
- Insights from leading mobility experts in Europe
- The right balance between security and user experience
- The full potential of existing technologies
- Catching up in the digitization of working environments
CEO Adjungo
van Schepdael
CEO mobco
CEO Nomasis
About the Enterprise Mobility Expert Alliance
The Enterprise Mobility Expert Alliance, of which EBF is a member, is the largest community of digital workplace experts in Europe. The member companies are specialists in modern, digital technologies. They have comprehensive know-how, many years of experience, and an extensive network. They offer consulting, conception, development, implementation, support, and managed services that help realize modern workplaces.
The network aims to have a continuous exchange about technological aspects, solutions, best practices, and market trends to offer customers the best possible solutions and services. This enables all member companies to react faster to new trends and changes in the market, develop innovative solutions, and support their customers in overcoming their challenges.