Successful Mac management - How to inspire your employees and increase employer attractiveness
Windows devices have been the leading work device in companies for decades. Macs, on the other hand, were unwelcome in most cases. But today, HR and IT departments are increasingly being asked whether employees can choose which operating system they work with. Companies that answer this question in the affirmative can score highly and present themselves as an attractive employer.
There is even a tendency for them to no longer gain an advantage, but simply fulfil an existing expectation. After all, users who also use iPhones, Macs and the like in their private lives usually don’t want to do without their user-friendliness in their professional environment either.
This not only has advantages for employees, but also for companies. Studies show that employees are more productive when they can work with the devices of their choice. And Macs also offer a number of other advantages.
So it’s no wonder that more and more companies want to enable their employees to work with a Mac. But there is one problem: IT teams often (still) lack the expertise to manage Mac devices.
How can the problem be solved? How to succeed IT departments to use Macs alongside a variety of other manage devices correctly? You can find out in this white paper, which was produced jointly by Jamf and the EBF.
Download Whitepaper
- Why should Macs no longer be missing in the company?
- How to manage Apple devices successfully
- Important building blocks for Mac management
- Windows and macOS – completely different and yet similar or even better to manage
- Why and for whom is Jamf, a platform specialising in Apple, useful?
- How can two different management tools interact with each other?
- How can managed services cope with complexity in the long term?