News from the WWDC 2021
On June 7, Apple’s 32nd Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) took place, which is eagerly awaited every year. Also this year, Apple has announced some innovations that are interesting and relevant for the professional context. We will introduce you to the changes in our whitepaper.
This year’s keynote has shown: cross-platform features reach a new level and go beyond Apple’s own ecosystem, while the separation of private and professional life is facilitated by various new features. There are also new management features for enterprises – such as Declarative Device Management, an entirely new way of executing device operations based on certain defined requirements.
In our whitepaper, we introduce you to several new features that are relevant for the business context and contribute to improved data security and privacy as well as a better user experience and device management.
This document is based on public information from Apple’s website, publicly available third-party sources and was created with the help of our EMEA partner mobco. You will receive the whitepaper via email after submitting the form below. Sie erhalten das Whitepaper nach Absenden des untenstehenden Formulars per Mail zugeschickt.