It wasn’t a traditional process by any means. Both the telephone interview and the face-to-face interview were very relaxed and the usual questions you’d expect in a recruitment interview felt like part of a genuine conversation. Overall, I was extremely positively impressed and surprised. After the interview, I was shown around EBF’s offices to give me a better idea of my future employer’s set-up.

I felt the job combined two key elements that I really can’t do without: customer focus plus information and communication technology.

I usually start my working day by managing our IT infrastructure (Windows server. AD, VPN, etc.) and looking after virtualized environments (VMware). These are monitored to ensure that all systems operate smoothly with high availability levels. These systems also have to be recorded in documents and reports.

I love the fact that this job is just so diverse. There’s never a dull day: there’s always something new to challenge you, or new tasks to get your teeth into.

Flexibility and communication. In technical areas, especially, it’s often quite challenging to get clients on board and explain technical concepts to them so that they understand what we mean.

We laugh a lot, but also have excellent technical knowledge, and a sensitive side, which helps when we’re training new staff members. These are just a few of our coping mechanisms. The main thing is that we work as a team, not as individuals, when we’re dealing with challenging technical problems.

EBF has a transparent and honest corporate culture, with the emphasis on short decision-making processes. This means that it’s easy to feel you’re making a difference. They are also extremely keen on personal development and further training.

EBF still has the mindset of a startup company. You get the impression that you can achieve a great deal – and you really know you’re appreciated. In fact, EBF not only values individual achievements, but also the work of the entire EBF team – and that’s exactly how they make you feel.

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