

Automated publishing and updating of apps

incapptic Connect simplifies app management for companies and enables automated publishing and updating of mobile apps – both in enterprise app stores and in public app stores. This saves many manual steps and efforts and significantly reduces the risk of errors. Especially with a high number of apps and when working with external developers, the solution helps enormously. But there are a few things to keep in mind when implementing it.

We have been acting as a partner of incapptic Connect since market entry and know the solution in and out. We combine our expertise with countless projects in the mobility area and our competence for Unified Endpoint Management systems and can therefore help you get the most out of the incapptic technology. Thanks to our good partnership, we can also develop solutions for individual requirements. This allows your IT department to focus on your core issues and rely on an efficient app management – throughout the entire app lifecycle.

Our services

Analysis and conception

We analyze your business applications, gather your app management requirements, and advise you on the right operating model. Based on this, we develop a concept with recommendations for efficient implementation.
Learn more about our concepts

Implementation in your data center

We can install incapptic Connect in your data center and ensure seamless integration into your infrastructure – exactly according to your requirements.
Learn more about on-premise installations


We thoroughly prepare the rollout of incapptic Connect and ensure that it runs smoothly. This reduces the manual steps of your IT to a minimum.

Hosting in our data center

As the only incapptic Connect partner, we offer you the option of using the solution as a cloud variant – hosted on your own instance in the secure data center of EBF. This allows us to provide you with the solution quickly and easily without long implementation times and saves you a lot of effort.
Learn more about our hosting services

Integration with MobileIron and other UEM systems

incapptic Connect is a MobileIron solution and interacts perfectly with the MobileIron platform – but also with other UEM systems. This way applications can be developed, deployed, and secured faster.

We do not leave you alone after the implementation of incapptic Connect and offer you various operational support packages. This allows us to ensure smooth operation.

Learn more about our support services

Your benefits

Want to find out more?

Your contact at EBF

Get in touch if you’d like to know more about incapptic Connect or other Digital Workplace solutions. We will be delighted to advise you, put together a package tailored to your specific needs and give you the opportunity to test the solution for a month.

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Michael F

Automatisiertes publizieren und aktualisieren von Apps

incapptic Connect unterstützt Ihr Unternehmen beim App-Management und ermöglicht ein automatisiertes Publizieren und Aktualisieren von mobilen Apps – sowohl in Enterprise App Stores als auch in Public App Stores. Dies geschieht zuverlässig und fehlerfrei und innerhalb von wenigen Minuten, mit geringem Aufwand für Ihre IT und einer hervorragenden User Experience. Sie behalten im gesamten Lebenszyklus einen Überblick über all Ihre Apps und reduzieren manuelle Schritte auf ein Minimum. Gerade für die Zusammenarbeit mit externen Entwicklern ist incapptic Connect gut geeignet.

incapptic Connect ist eine Lösung von MobileIron und interagiert perfekt mit der MobileIron-Plattform. Anwendungen lassen sich hierüber schneller entwickeln, verteilen und absichern.

Funktionen von incapptic Connect

incapptic connect - Funktionen
App-Übersicht im App Directory
  • Übersicht und Monitoring aller Apps, inkl. Kennzeichnung des Laufzeitendes
  • Administration, Qualitätssicherung und Updates von bestehenden Apps
Automatisierung des App-Einreichens
  • Upload von Metadaten, direktes Feedback zu eingereichten Daten und bei Bedarf unmittelbare Korrektur der Daten
  • Überprüfung der technischen Spezifikationen
  • Automatisches Signieren von Apps unter Verwendung des aktuellsten Provisioning Profiles
Optimierung des Freigabeprozesses
  • Definition von Rollen mit unterschiedlichen Rechten
  • Automatisierter Freigabeprozess
  • Sicherstellung von Compliance-Konformität
Kompatibilität mit allen gängigen App Stores Wissenstransfer durch Coding-Guidelines für Entwickler

Die incapptic Connect Lösung

incapptic connect lösung

Automated app publication and updating

incapptic Connect can help your company with the app management process, providing an automated procedure for publishing and updating mobile apps – both in enterprise app stores and in public app stores. This automated process is reliable and guaranteed to be error-free. The whole process takes just a few minutes, with minimal effort for your IT team and an outstanding user experience. You will be able to maintain an overview of all your apps over their entire lifecycle and reduce manual steps to a minimum. incapptic Connect is particularly useful when working with external developers.

incapptic Connect is a solution from MobileIron and interacts perfectly with the platform. Applications can be developed, distributed and secured much faster.

Features of incapptic Connect

incapptic connect -
App overview in the app directory
  • Overview and monitoring of all apps, incl. indication of the app expiration dates
  • Administration, quality assurance and updates for existing apps
Automated app submission
  • Ability to upload metadata, provide direct feedback on submitted data, and correct data immediately if required
  • Checks on technical specifications
  • Automatic app signing using the latest provisioning profile
Optimized release process
  • Ability to define roles with different rights
  • Automated release process
  • Guaranteed compliance conformity
Compatible with all commonly available app stores Knowledge transfer via coding guidelines for developers

incapptic Connect solution

incapptic connect lösung

Wie sich Unternehmen in 2025 richtig aufstellen sollten


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