

Lean solution for device management from the cloud

With the help of the Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security Platform (EM+S), companies can make digital work possible – simply and securely. The solution includes, among other things, the Microsoft Endpoint Manager (including Microsoft Intune and Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager), which is used to centrally manage (mobile) end devices, applications, and content from the cloud via a single platform. Components for security, identity, and access management as well as for information protection and threat prevention are also part of the EM+S platform. The individual components can be combined as required and complement each other perfectly – provided the implementation is successful. But this will not simply happen. There are many things to consider when introducing the technologies. We combine our years of expertise in the field of enterprise mobility with our Microsoft know-how and offer you various consulting packages. This way we can facilitate your migration, minimize implementation risks, and implement projects to realize a mobile workplace quickly and successfully. As a Microsoft partner with broad expertise and experience, we can help you to get the most out of Microsoft technologies.

Our services


You already have Microsoft licenses but don't know if they are the right ones? We will show you the differences between the different licenses and advise you which license model is best for you. Then we can quickly and easily provide you with the licenses and activate them for you.

Design IT

We convert the results of the Opportunity Assessment into a technical concept and plan the rollout. Here we take into account the settings of your existing UEM system and integrate new requirements if desired.

If a migration from the old to the new system is necessary, we develop a concept for this and record the necessary steps in a detailed project plan.


Together with you, we finalize the productive Microsoft environment with all settings of the technical concept – taking into account all the dependencies. We ensure reliable quality assurance and perform documented acceptance tests again throughout the entire process. We then accompany the rollout and carry it out seamlessly. Workshops with different user groups as well as user and admin guides ensure a smooth implementation.

In case a migration is necessary, we prepare it and plan and support the rollout in the same way.

Opportunity Assessment

We work with you to define your Mobile Enterprise Strategy, while drawing on experience from other customer projects. Next, we analyze the status quo of your current UEM system and your user needs and show you the opportunities EM+S/Microsoft Endpoint Manager offers. Building on this, we create a requirements catalog and provide you with recommendations for implementation.

You are already using a Microsoft cloud presence such as Office365? In this case, we also determine the maturity of the existing Microsoft environment and look at what other components are required for a switch to EM+S.

Proof IT

We set up the Microsoft environment for you on the basis of the technical concept, taking into account all the settings required for acceptance. Next, we conduct various acceptance tests, document them and hand over the documentation to you as a decision-making reference. We then prepare the rollout and test the migration of some devices, if required.

Run IT

We will not leave you alone after the implementation of EM+S/Microsoft Endpoint Manager. Extensive support packages round off our range of services. If desired, we can also take over the support of the entire EM+S environment as a "Managed Service Provider". You can focus on the usage – we take care of the administration and support.

Learn more about our support services

Learn more about our Managed Services

Change of the UEM system

If you already have a UEM system in use and want to switch to Microsoft Endpoint Manager, the EBF Onboarder can help you with this challenge. The EBF software makes it possible to carry out the migration to the new system largely automatically.

Complementary VPN solution

Do you want to use a solution that can do more than a classic VPN solution? We can advise you on a suitable third-party solution. With NetMotion we have a solution in our portfolio that is also recommended by Microsoft as a supplement.

Your benefits


Want to find out more?

Your contact at EBF

Get in touch if you’d like to know more about Microsoft or other Digital Workplace solutions. We will be delighted to advise you and put together a package tailored to your specific needs.

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Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security - Ganzheitliche IT-Sicherheit ohne Kompromisse

Die Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security Plattform bietet ein breites Lösungs-Spektrum rund um den Digital Workplace – den Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft – an. Diese sollen Unternehmen bei der Gewährleitung von IT-Sicherheit umfassend unterstützen und die Einhaltung von Compliance-, Datenschutz- und Sicherheitsanforderungen gleichermaßen bestmöglich umsetzen. Die einzelnen Bausteine greifen nahtlos ineinander, ergänzen sich optimal und können je nach Bedarf gewählt und miteinander kombiniert werden.

Die Produktpalette der Microsoft Enterprise Mobility
+ Security Suite ist in vier Säulen aufgeteilt


Verschiedene Werkzeuge ermöglichen die Realisierung einer sicheren, effektiven Zusammenarbeit in Teams und Unternehmen. Eine vorgeschaltete Authentifizierung der Nutzer sowie die mögliche Einschränkung von Zugriffsrechten mittels intelligenter Richtlinien sorgen für eine sichere Nutzung von Unternehmensdaten.
  • Azure Active Directory​
    Universelle Plattform zum Verwalten und Absichern von Benutzeridentitäten
  • Multifaktor-Authentifizierung (MFA)​
    Zusätzliche Sicherheitheit für Ihre Daten durch zuverlässige Authentifizierungsmethoden
  • Bedingter Zugriff​
    Zero Trust & Zugriffsauthentifizierung durch Identitäten
  • Windows Hello​
    Schnelles Anmelden durch Gesichtserkennung & Fingerabdruckleser
  • Windows Credential Guard
    Hardware Sicherheit & Schutz von Anmeldeinformationen


Die Microsoft Enterprise + Security Suite beinhaltet Sicherheitslösungen, die es Unternehmen ermöglichen, Dokumente und Inhalte datengeschützt zu erstellen, zu klassifizieren und mit anderen zu teilen und Berechtigungen hierfür einzuschränken. Datensicherheit wird dabei durch die Verschlüsselung von Dateien und E-Mails während des gesamten Prozesses innerhalb und außerhalb der Organisation garantiert. Dokumentenaktivitäten werden protokolliert und können so nachvollzogen werden.
  • Azure Information Protection​​
    Etablieren von Standards zur Klassifizierung von Dokumenten und Dateien sowie zu Berechtigungsvergaben
  • Windows Information Protection ​
    Verhindern von versehentlichen Datenverlusten auf unternehmenseigenen und privaten Geräten
  • Microsoft Cloud App Security
    Umfassende Transparenz und Kontrolle über Datenübertragungen
  • Office 365 Cloud App Security​
    Sicherer Zugriff auf Clouddienste


Integrierte Schutzmechanismen schützen mögliche Angriffspunkte wie mobile Endgeräte, E-Mails und Netzwerke präventiv vor versehentlichen Verletzungen der Sicherheitsvorkehrungen und verringern im Falle eines Angriffes die Reaktionszeit durch automatisierte Prozesse.
  • Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection
    Erkennen und Blockieren potentieller Bedrohungen
  • Microsoft System Center & Configuration Manager ​
    Beobachtung, Kontrolle und Beurteilung von Anwendungen
  • Azure Advanced Threat Protection
    Schutz der Benutzeridentitäten und Anmeldeinformationen inkl. Verhaltensanalyse
  • Microsoft Cloud App Security
    Schatten-IT-Überwachung erkennen und monitoren
  • Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection
    Automatisierte Empfehlungen und Optimierungsvorschläge über Ihre Schutzmaßnahmen


Sie können sich innerhalb kürzester Zeit tiefgehende Einblick über die gesamte IT-Sichersicherheit Ihres Unternehmens verschaffen. Dabei lassen sich entsprechende Richtlinien zentral aufsetzen, verwalten und deren Umsetzung lässt sich übersichtlich nachvollziehen. Microsoft Enterprise + Security bietet zudem die Möglichkeit, Benutzeraktivitäten transparent zu verfolgen, Bedrohungen frühzeitig zu identifizieren und kritische Dateien automatisch und unmittelbar zu blockieren. Beschädigten Dateien lassen sich schnell wiederherstellen und Verzögerungen im Betriebsablauf auf ein Minimum reduzieren.
  • Azure Security Center​
    Schutz vor Bedrohungen & Hybridsicherheitsmanagement
  • Office 365 Security Center​​
    Zuweisen von Rollen und Berechtigungen an Organisationsmitglieder zwecks Überwachung der Sicherheits-, Datenschutz-, und Compliance-Konformität
  • Microsoft Advanced Data Governance
    Überblick, Analyse und Compliance-Überwachung der gesammelten Unternehmensdaten und -aktivitäten
  • Microsoft Secure Core​
    Analyse des Sicherheitsstatus Ihres Unternehmens mit dem Ziel der regelmäßigen Evaluierung von Optimierungsmöglichkeiten

Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security - Integrated IT security without compromise

The Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security platform offers a wide range of solutions for the Digital Workplace – the workplace of the future. These are intended to provide companies with comprehensive support in ensuring IT security and to implement compliance, data protection and security requirements in the best possible way. The individual components interlock seamlessly, complement each other perfectly and can be selected and combined as required.

The product range of the Microsoft Enterprise Mobility
+ Security Suite is divided into four pillars


Various tools enable the realization of a safe, effective cooperation in teams and companies. An upstream authentication of the users as well as the possible restriction of access rights by means of intelligent guidelines ensure a secure use of company data.
  • Azure Active Directory​
    Universal platform for managing and securing user identities
  • Multifaktor-Authentifizierung (MFA)​
    Additional security for your data through reliable authentication methods
  • Conditional access
    Zero trust & access authentication through identities
  • Windows Hello​
    Quick login with face recognition & fingerprint reader
  • Windows Credential Guard
    Hardware security & credential protection


Microsoft Enterprise + Security Suite includes security solutions that enable organizations to create, classify, share and restrict permissions for documents and content in a data-protected manner. Data security is guaranteed by the encryption of files and e-mails throughout the entire process inside and outside the organization. Document activities are logged and can be tracked.
  • Azure Information Protection​​
    Establishment of standards for the classification of documents and files as well as for authorization assignments
  • Windows Information Protection
    Prevent accidental data loss on corporate and private devices
  • Microsoft Cloud App Security
    Comprehensive transparency and control over data transfers
  • Office 365 Cloud App Security​
    Secure access to cloud services


Integrated protection mechanisms protect potential points of attack such as mobile end devices, e-mails and networks against accidental breaches of security precautions and reduce reaction time in the event of an attack through automated processes.
  • Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection
    Detect and block potential threats
  • Microsoft System Center & Configuration Manager ​
    Observation, control and evaluation of applications
  • Azure Advanced Threat Protection
    Protection of user identities and login information including behaviour analysis
  • Microsoft Cloud App Security
    Detect and monitor shadow IT monitoring
  • Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection
    Automated recommendations and optimization suggestions about your protective measures


You can gain deep insight into the entire IT security of your company within a very short time. The corresponding policies can be set up and managed centrally, and their implementation can be clearly tracked. Microsoft Enterprise + Security also provides the ability to transparently track user activity, identify threats early, and automatically and immediately block critical files. Damaged files can be quickly recovered and operational delays minimized.
  • Azure Security Center​
    Threat Protection & Hybrid Security Management
  • Office 365 Security Center​​
    Assign roles and permissions to organizational members for monitoring security, privacy, and Compliance
  • Microsoft Advanced Data Governance
    Overview, analysis and compliance monitoring of the collected company data and activities
  • Microsoft Secure Core​
    Analysis of your company’s security status and regular evaluation of optimization opportunities

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