

A secure container for all business applications and data

SecurePIM uses a container to ensure that business data and applications are separated from private data – both in small enterprises as well as in large corporations. The professional container can be fully managed and protected – without violating users’ privacy. Users only need one app for all corporate applications which helps to separate the professional and private context. But there are a few things to keep in mind during implementation to get the maximum security out of it.

We combine our in-depth knowledge of the solution with our expertise from countless mobility projects to deliver SecurePIM technology in the best possible way. In this way, we enable your employees to work on the move in a secure manner that complies with data protection regulations – with clear demarcation of private data.

Our services

Analysis and conception

We analyze your requirements for mobile working and advise you on the implementation in your or our data center as well as the appropriate configurations of the container.
Learn more about our concepts

Implementation in your data center

You want to run SecurePIM in your data center? We create the necessary prerequisites in your infrastructure and ensure a smooth implementation and compatibility with other systems.
Learn more about on-premise installations


We support you in configuring the container and ensure a smooth rollout – with little effort for your IT and employees.

Testing and licensing

We provide you with licenses for SecurePIM quickly and easily – also for testing purposes.

Hosting in our data center

We can also host SecurePIM in our certified and scalable data center. You benefit from fast provisioning and relief for your IT.
Learn more about our hosting services

Cloud solution for small businesses

Smaller companies can also obtain SecurePIM from the cloud and use the solution quickly and easily. Here, too, we provide support with the configuration and rollout.

Integration into a UEM system

We can also integrate SecurePIM into your Unified Endpoint Management system. This allows you to manage the container efficiently.

We are also available to you after the introduction of SecurePIM and ensure with our support team smooth operation.

Learn more about our support services

Your benefits


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Want to find out more?

Your contact at EBF

Get in touch if you’d like to know more about SecurePIM or other Digital Workplace solutions. We will be delighted to advise you, put together a package tailored to your specific needs and give you the opportunity to test the solution for a month.


Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 120-122, 50968 Cologne

Eine Sichere Container-App für sämtliche Unternehmensdaten

Mit SecurePIM können berufliche und private Daten sowie Anwendungen mithilfe eines Containers voneinander getrennt werden. Die Container-App umfasst alle beruflichen Inhalte, wird vollständig von der IT verwaltet und durch hohe Sicherheitsstandards geschützt – ohne die Privatsphäre der übrigen, privaten Daten zu verletzen. Berufliche Daten werden durch das SecurePIM Gateway verschlüsselt übertragen und gespeichert. Der Zugriff auf Unternehmensdaten wie E-Mails, Kalendereinträge, Aufgaben, Dokumente und Kontakte sowie das firmeneigene Intranet kann sicher gewährt werden. So wird sowohl eine private Nutzung von Unternehmensgeräten als auch eine berufliche Nutzung von privaten Geräten ohne Probleme möglich – und die DSGVO erfüllt.

Daten statt Gerätefokus

Während beim Unified Endpoint Management bzw. Enterprise Mobility Management das komplette Gerät verwaltet wird, bieten Container-Lösungen ganz gezielt und ausschließlich Kontrolle über die Datenbereiche, die Unternehmensinformationen beinhalten. Der Fokus liegt hier also nicht auf dem Gerät, sondern auf den Daten und die Komplexität ist deutlich geringer. Hierdurch können Sie höchste Sicherheitsstandards gemäß der Richtlinienvorgaben Ihres Unternehmens durchsetzen.

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securePIM schützt ihre daten

Einfache Administration und Verwendung

SecurePIM lässt sich flexibel an Ihre Infrastruktur anpassen und einfach implementieren. Die Konfiguration des Containers erfolgt über das SecurePIM Management Portal oder über ein Unified Endpoint Management- bzw. Enterprise Mobility Management-System. Ebenso die Verwaltung der Daten, Zugriffe und Nutzer.

Angelegte Nutzer werden automatisiert per Mail zur Nutzung von SecurePIM eingeladen und können nach der Installation der App und Eingabe der Zugangsdaten uneingeschränkt und sicher mobil arbeiten und auf Unternehmensdaten zugreifen.

Über das Portal hat Ihre IT einen übersichtlichen Überblick über alle Endgeräte und Zugänge und kann bei Bedarf Zugriffssperren für sämtliche Unternehmensdaten einrichten.

A secure container app for all company data

SecurePIM can be used to separate professional and private data and apps by using a container. The container app holds all professional content, is managed entirely by the IT team, and protected by stringent security standards – without affecting the privacy of any other private data on the device in any way. Professional data is transferred and stored as encrypted data via the SecurePIM Gateway. Access to company data such as e-mails, calendar entries, jobs, documents, and contact information can be secured, along with access to the company’s own intranet. As a result, company devices can be used for private purposes and private devices can be used for professional purposes. And both solutions are fully GDPR-compliant.

Focus on data, not devices

While Unified Endpoint Management is used to manage the entire device, container solutions offer very specific and exclusive control over those data areas that contain corporate information. In other words, the focus is no longer on the device, but on the data it contains, which is a much less complex issue. Containerization allows you to maintain maximum security standards in line with your company’s guidelines.

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Simple to manage and use

SecurePIM is flexible enough to be adapted to your own infrastructure and easy to implement. The container can be configured via the SecurePIM Management Portal or via a Unified Endpoint Management system. Managing data, access rights, and users is also simplicity itself. Once users have been set up, they will receive an automated e-mail inviting them to use SecurePIM. When the app has been installed and access data entered, they will have unrestricted access to company data, allowing them to work securely from their mobile devices. Your IT team will have a full overview of all devices and accesses via the portal, enabling them to block access to all company data if required.

Wie sich Unternehmen in 2025 richtig aufstellen sollten


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