teamwire partner
TeamWire Logo 2020

Many years of expertise around Teamwire

Secure and efficient communication in companies

Teamwire enables corporate and government employees to quickly and easily share information on mobile devices. In real-time and GDPR-compliant, in private and group chats. No matter where they are located. The messaging app can be hosted in the company’s own data center if required, giving companies full control over their data. In crisis situations, Teamwire helps to inform and coordinate teams immediately. But before and during implementation, there are several things to consider to take full advantage of the solution’s benefits and features.

As a long-standing partner of Teamwire, we know the specifics and functionality of the solution inside out. We combine this know-how with our extensive experience in the digital workplace and the hosting of solutions. This way we can show you how to use and implement the solution optimally: in your data center or hosted in EBF’s secure data center. In this way, you can take communication in your company to a new level and optimally connect your employees in their everyday work.

Our services


We can advise you on all aspects of using Teamwire in your company or Government Department. We will analyze your IT landscape and requirements in detail and create a concept that is individually tailored to your needs. We also advise you on the right operating model for you: from the cloud or in your own data center.
Learn more about our consulting services


We explain the differences between the Basic, Business, and Enterprise license and advise you which license model is best suited for your company. We provide you with the licenses you want for immediate use.

Implementation in your data center

You want to keep full control over your data? Our EBF experts will install Teamwire in your data center and integrate the solution optimally into your IT landscape. We will be happy to advise you on configuration, administration, security, and maintenance.
Learn more about on-premise installations.


We prepare the rollout of Teamwire in detail and assist you with the implementation. We help your IT team manage the solution and, if required, we also support you in training employees.

Usage optimization

We'll show you how to get even more out of Teamwire and bring new features such as WhatsApp for Business Integration to life. We explain which steps are necessary for this and what you should keep in mind when implementing them.

Proof of Concept

You can test Teamwire free of charge for a period of 30 days to convince yourself of its functions.
Contact us

Hosting in our data center

Teamwire can also be operated in the ISO-27001 certified and scalable data center of the EBF. Our hosting experts take care of the provision, protection, maintenance, and updating of the solution and ensure the reliable operation of Teamwire.
Learn more about our hosting services

Integration into a UEM system

You can integrate Teamwire into your UEM system, configure it, and distribute it. We will show you how this can be optimally done.

We also support you in the daily operation of Teamwire. With our individual support packages, we can provide you with exactly the support you need. Our support specialists will reliably take care of maintaining and updating your Teamwire operation and any problems that may arise – remotely or on-site.

Learn more about our support services

Your benefits

Microsoft Consulting

Want to find out more?

Your contact at EBF

Get in touch if you’d like to know more about Teamwire or other Digital Workplace solutions. We will be delighted to advise you, put together a package tailored to your specific needs and give you the opportunity to test the solution for a month.

Thomas Klütsch
TeamWire Logo 2020

Teamwire: Die Messaging-Lösung für Behörden und Unternehmen

Die Messaging-Lösung Teamwire ermöglicht Behörden und Unternehmen die interne Unternehmenskommunikation – auf sicherem und effizientem Weg. Dabei steht die Steigerung der Produktivität des Unternehmens und der Erhalt der Leistungsfähigkeit in sämtlichen Situationen im Vordergrund. Dank einer übersichtlichen Oberfläche arbeiten Mitarbeiter ganz intuitiv mit Teamwire.

Messenger mit vielfältigem Mehrwert

Zentrale Funktionen von Teamwire

  • Schnelles Messaging
    Teamwire ermöglicht es Einzelnen und Gruppen, von überall in Echtzeit miteinander zu kommunizieren und Inhalte wie Dateien, Fotos, Videos und Sprachnachrichten auszutauschen. Teamwire bringt eine Integration zu führenden File Share-Lösungen (SharePoint, Google Drive etc.) mit. Push Notifications informieren über neue Nachrichten – auch wenn Teamwire nicht geöffnet ist.
  • Effektiver Gruppenaustausch
    Gruppen lassen sich schnell und einfach ohne Größenbeschränkung einrichten. IT-Admins haben durch „Gruppen Listen” und “Gruppen Zirkel“ die Möglichkeit, diese zu verwalten und sie durch Broadcasting-Funktionen zum Informationskanal zu machen: Über das Administrationsportal, das Teamwire Dashboard, können Rollen und Rechte definiert werden, sodass einzelne Mitarbeitergruppen Nachrichten nur lesen, allerdings nicht selbst erstellen können.
  • Vernetzung und Kollaboration – auch für externe Nutzer
    Ein integriertes Mitarbeiterverzeichnis zeigt Mitarbeiterprofile mit Rollen und Zuständigkeiten an und vereinfacht so die Vernetzungs- und Kollaborationsmöglichkeiten. Externe Kontakte (Partner, Lieferanten, Kunden) können per Gast-Account sicher in Gruppenchats eingebunden werden.
teamwire - zentrale Funktionen
teamwire alarmfunktion

Alarm-Funktion für Krisensituationen

Teamwire verfügt über eine Alarm-Funktion, mit deren Hilfe Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter in Krisensituationen – zum Beispiel bei einem Server-Ausfall, einem Brand oder einem Hacker-Angriff – unverzüglich informieren und Einsatzteams koordinieren können. Kostengünstig, verlässlich und mit großer Reichweite.

  • Manuelle Erstellung von Alarm-Meldungen oder automatisches Absenden von Alarm-Meldungen über integrierte Systeme
  • Versand an einen definierten Empfängerkreis
  • Optische und akustische Kennzeichnung der Alarm-Meldungen
  • Regelmäßige Information der Mitarbeiter über den Vorfall
  • Koordination von Einsatzteams über die Gruppen-Chat-Funktion
  • „Panic Button“ für ein Alarmauslösen in brenzligen Situationen, in denen Sekunden entscheidend sein können

WhatsApp for Business Integration

Zu externen Kommunikationszwecken bietet Teamwire eine Integration für Whatsapp for Business. So können Kunden mit Unternehmen auf sicherem Wege in Verbindung treten – über den für sie bekannten Kanal WhatsApp, der ansonsten nicht für eine solche Kommunikation geeignet wäre.

Der Kundenservice erhält die Nachrichten in Echtzeit in der Teamwire-App und kann diese dort beantworten. Der Datenverkehr ist verschlüsselt und bietet eine hohe Datensicherheit und ist DSGVO-konform. Unternehmensdaten müssen nicht in WhatsApp hochgeladen werden. Metadaten werden nicht analysiert.

teamwire whatsapp integration

DSGVO-konformer Messager

Teamwire erfüllt die Datenschutzgrundverordnung sowie hohe Sicherheits-, Administrations- und Compliance-Anforderungen. Daten, Nachrichten und Metadaten werden verschlüsselt übertragen und gespeichert, innerhalb der europäischen Union vorgehalten und nicht weitergegeben. Nutzerdaten werden anonymisiert.

dsgvo konform
Teamwire einfache verwaltung

Einfache Verwaltung

Sie können Ihre Nutzer und die App ganz einfach über ein Administrationsportal, für das mehrere Mandanten erstellt werden können, verwalten:
  • Einfache Nutzerverwaltung auch mittels Active Directory- und LDAP-Verzeichnis
  • Definition von Kommunikationsregeln
  • Konfiguration von Gruppen
  • Einsicht von Nutzungsstatistiken
Teamwire lässt sich vollständig in Unified Endpoint Management-Systeme wie MobileIron oder VMware Workspace ONE integrieren.
TeamWire Logo 2020

Teamwire: The messaging solution for public authorites and companies

The Teamwire messaging solution enables public authorities and companies to communicate internally – securely and efficiently. The focus is on increasing the company’s productivity and maintaining performance in all situations. Thanks to a clear interface, employees work intuitively with Teamwire.

Messenger with added value

Key features of Teamwire

  • Fast messaging:
    Teamwire allows individuals and groups to communicate and share content such as files, photos, videos, and voice messages in real-time from anywhere. Teamwire comes with an integration to leading file share solutions (SharePoint, Google Drive, etc.) Push Notifications inform about new messages – even if Teamwire is not open.
  • Effective group exchange:
    Groups can be set up quickly and easily without size restrictions. IT admins can manage these groups through “Group Lists” and “Group Circles” and turn them into an information channel through broadcasting functions: Roles and rights can be defined via the administration portal, the Teamwire Dashboard, so that individual employee groups can only read messages, but not create them themselves.
  • Networking and collaboration – also for external users:
    An integrated employee directory displays employee profiles with roles and responsibilities, simplifying networking, and collaboration. External contacts (partners, suppliers, customers) can be securely integrated into group chats via guest account.
teamwire - zentrale Funktionen
teamwire alarmfunktion

Alarm function for crises

Teamwire has an alarm function that allows you to immediately notify your employees in crises – for example, a server failure, fire, or hacker attack – and coordinate emergency teams. Cost-effective, reliable, and with a wide range.

  • Manual creation of alarm messages or automatic sending of alarm messages via integrated systems
  • Sending to a defined group of recipients
  • Visual and acoustic marking of alarm messages
  • Regular information of the employees about the incident
  • Coordination of intervention teams via the group chat function
  • “Panic Button” for triggering an alarm in tricky situations where seconds can be crucial

WhatsApp for Business Integration

For external communication purposes, Teamwire provides integration with Whatsapp for Business. This allows customers to communicate with companies securely – via the WhatsApp channel they are familiar with, which would otherwise not be suitable for such communication.
The customer service receives the messages in real-time in the Teamwire app and can respond to them there. The data traffic is encrypted and offers high data security and is GDPR-compliant. Company data does not need to be uploaded to WhatsApp. Metadata is not analyzed.

WhatsApp Integration TeamWire

GDPR compliant messenger

Teamwire complies with the basic data protection regulation as well as high security, administration, and compliance requirements. Data, messages, and metadata are transmitted and stored in encrypted form, are kept within the European Union, and are not passed on. User data is made anonymous.

DSGVO konformer Messenger
Teamwire einfache verwaltung

Simple Administration

You can easily manage your users and the app via an administration portal for which multiple clients can be created:

  • Simple user management also via Active Directory and LDAP directory
  • Definition of communication rules
  • Configuration of groups
  • Inspection of usage statistics

Teamwire can be fully integrated into Unified Endpoint Management systems like MobileIron or VMware Workspace ONE.

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