
Reliable expertise around MobileIron

Versatile management of your end devices – with many extras for security and user comfort

Ivanti is one of the leading Unified Endpoint Management systems. It offers IT administrators the possibility to manage all end devices, applications and content securely and efficiently via a single platform. No matter whether devices with Android, Windows, iOS, iPadOS or macOS are in use. Additional modules can provide increased security and optimized application access. However, there are a few things to consider when introducing the system in order to make the best possible use of all possibilities.

We combine our deep knowledge of the platform, which we bring along as an IRON Authorized Partner and first European partner of MobileIron, with our development competence and know-how from countless mobility projects to get the best out of MobileIron technologies. This way we enable you to manage your devices in a simple and advanced way and implement projects for the realization of the digital workplace quickly, easily and securely – taking all your requirements into account.

EBF is MobileIron Iron Partner

Our services

Analysis and conception

We analyze the status quo of your mobility landscape and work with you to identify your requirements. We develop a concept for the introduction of MobileIron and describe possible implementation scenarios and necessary configurations.
Learn more about our concepts


You can test MobileIron free of charge for 90 days and convince yourself directly of the benefits. We set up the environment for you and give you the opportunity to test important configuration and the enrollment of devices.

Hosting in our data center

We can host the MobileIron solution in our certified, high-performance and scalable data center. You benefit from a high availability and stability – without long implementation times and without efforts for deployment, administration, security and maintenance of the infrastructure.
Learn more about our hosting services


We prepare the rollout of MobileIron in the best possible way so that it runs smoothly – with little effort for IT and end users. Through an optional implementation of the enrollment programs from Apple, Android and Samsung, we can further minimize the effort of distributing new devices.


We will show you the differences between Secure UEM and Secure UEM Premium licenses and advise you which license model is best for you. We can arrange the provision of the licenses for you at short notice.

Implementation in your data center

We create the necessary conditions in your infrastructure and ensure a smooth implementation. No matter whether one instance or – in the case of complex structures – several instances are required.
Learn more about on-premise installations

Migrate to our data center

You want to relieve your infrastructure and IT and move from your data center to ours? No problem – we create a concept for the migration and carry it out smoothly.

Change of the UEM system

If you already have a UEM system in use and want to migrate to MobileIron, we help you with our EBF Onboarder to carry out the migration to the new system largely automated.

We are in close contact with MobileIron in order to jointly advance the development of new features. We are also able to develop our own custom scripts, which enhance the MobileIron platform with additional features. This way you get exactly the information and applications you need.

Learn more about our development services

We are also there for you after the implementation and ensure a smooth operation. We reliably take care of maintenance, updates and the elimination of problems.

Learn more about our Support services

We can take on demanding tasks involving changes in configurations, users, devices and applications to further reduce the burden on your IT.

Learn more about our Managed Services

Multi-client capability

With the EBF Delegated Admin we offer you the possibility to distribute administration tasks comfortably to several administrators with different roles and rights. The device administration of complex company structures with MobileIron is thus possible and the management of large user groups is greatly simplified.

Your benefits

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Contact Us

Contact us, if you have any questions. We will be happy to advise you and provide you with a customised quote.

Unified Endpoint Management für eine zentrale Verwaltung von Endgeräten

Ivanti bietet Ihren IT-Administratoren die Möglichkeit, sämtliche Endgeräte, Anwendungen und Inhalte sicher und effizient über eine einzige Plattform zu verwalten und schafft damit die grundlegende Voraussetzung für den Digital Workplace. Ihre Mitarbeiter können unabhängig von Ort und Zeit arbeiten – unter Einhaltung hoher Sicherheits- und Compliance-Anforderungen.

Das UEM umfasst verschiedene Komponenten, die je nach Bedarf gestaffelt genutzt werden können.

Komponenten von Ivanti

Mobile Device Management – mobile Geräteverwaltung

Die Mobile Device Management-Komponente dient der zentralen Verwaltung und Absicherung von Desktops, Tablets und Smartphones. Sie ist die Basis des UEM und bietet Ihnen unter anderem folgende Möglichkeiten:

  • Automatische Konfiguration der Geräte entsprechend der Unternehmensvorgaben
  • Freigabe und selektives Löschen von Unternehmensdaten
  • Monitoring der Geräte: z.B. der verwendeten Hard- und Software und der Compliance-Konformität
  • Absicherung der Geräte durch Sicherheitsrichtlinien, Verschlüsselung und Zertifikate

Mobile Content Management – mobile Inhaltsverwaltung

Die Mobile Content Management-Komponente bietet Ihren Mitarbeitern sicheren Zugriff auf Unternehmensdaten verschiedener Content-Repositories und darüber hinaus folgende Funktionen:

  • Sicheres Anzeigen, Kommentieren, Speichern, Freigeben und Teilen von Dateien
  • Verschlüsselung von E-Mail-Anhängen zur Anzeige mit definierten, autorisierten Anwendungen
  • Einführung von Data Loss Prevention-Kontrollen zum Verhindern einer unbefugten Weitergabe von Unternehmensdaten

Mobile Application Management – mobile Anwendungsverwaltung

Die Mobile Application Management-Komponente unterstützt Sie bei der zentralen Verwaltung von Applikationen entlang des gesamten Lebenszyklus: 

  • Bereitstellung, Installation, Absicherung, Update und Deinstallation von Anwendungen
  • Verwaltung von eigenen und Drittanbieter-Unternehmens-Apps
  • Implementierung eines App Stores für Unternehmens-Apps (Enterprise App Store)
  • Trennung von beruflichen und privaten Apps
  • Monitoring des App-Status
  • Black- und Whitelisten von Apps
Ivanti bietet mit incapptic Connect zudem eine Lösung an, mit der Unternehmens-Anwendungen schneller entwickelt, verteilt und abgesichert werden können.

Ivanti Sentry

Ivanti Sentry ist ein intelligentes Gateway und dient der Verwaltung, Verschlüsselung und Absicherung des Traffics zwischen dem Mobilgerät und dem Backend-System:

  • Durchsetzung von Sicherheitsrichtlinien
  • Zugriffsverwaltung auf Unternehmensinformationen
  • Verschlüsselung von E-Mail-Anhängen
  • Management des App-Traffics

Ivanti Monitor

Der Ivanti Monitor ist eine umfassende Dashboard-Lösung, mit deren Hilfe Sie den Status aller kritischen UEM-Komponenten überwachen und potenzielle Leistungsprobleme frühzeitig erkennen können. Relevante KPI werden visualisiert und können exportiert werden.

MobileIron Authenticator

Ivanti Authenticator

Der Ivanti Authenticator gewährleistet eine besonders hohe Sicherheit Ihrer Nutzerkonten. Die App sorgt dafür, dass bei vorher im UEM-Portal definierten Plattformen eine Multifaktor-Authentifizierung (MFA/2FA) erforderlich ist. Hierbei müssen Nutzer den Anmeldevorgang über ihr von Ivanti gemanagtes Mobilgerät verifizieren.

Sicherer Zugang dank Ivanti Access

Ivanti Access ermöglicht es, intelligente Richtlinien durchzusetzen, die verhindern, dass nicht autorisierte Endgeräte, Nutzer und Anwendungen eine Verbindung mit Ihren Unternehmensressourcen herstellen. In sicheren Umgebungen ist die Eingabe von Benutzerdaten dank Seamless-Single-Sign-On hingegen nicht erforderlich.

MobileIron Access1
MobileIron Threat Defense1

Mobile Sicherheit dank Ivanti Threat Defense

Ivanti Threat Defense bietet Ihnen effektiven Schutz vor Cyberangriffen – vor allem über maliziöse Apps und WiFi-Zugangspunkte. Die Lösung ermöglicht es, Sicherheitsrichtlinien zu definieren und bekannte sowie bisher unbekannte mobile Bedrohungen mithilfe von Algorithmen künstlicher Intelligenz zu erkennen und abzuwehren – selbst wenn keine Internetverbindung besteht.

Unified endpoint management for centralized management of end devices

Ivanti offers your IT administrators the ability to manage all devices, apps, and content securely and efficiently via a single platform. This is the basic prerequisite for a digital workplace. Your employees can work regardless of time and time – in compliance with high security and compliance requirements.

The UEM includes various components that can be used staggered as required.

Components of Ivanti

Mobile device management – mobile device management

The mobile device management component is used to centrally manage and secure desktops, tablets and smart phones. It is the basis of the UEM and offers you, among other things, the following possibilities:

  • Automatic configuration of devices according to company specifications
  • Sharing and selectively deleting company data
  • Monitoring of the devices: For example, the hardware and software used and compliance compliance
  • Securing the devices through security policies, encryption and certificates

Mobile Content Management – Mobile Content Management

The mobile content management component gives your employees secure access to corporate data from various content repositories and, in addition, the following features:

  • Secure viewing, commenting, storing, sharing and sharing files
  • Encryption of e-mail attachments to display defined, authorized applications
  • Introduction of Data Loss Prevention Controls to Prevent unauthorized Sharing of Company Data

Mobile Application Management – Mobile Application Management

The Mobile Application Management component helps you centrally manage applications throughout the life cycle:

  • Deploying, installing, securing, updating and uninstalling applications
  • Manage your own and third-party enterprise apps
  • Implementation of an App Store for Enterprise App Store
  • Separation of professional and private apps
  • Monitor status monitoring
  • Black and whitelists of apps
With incapptic Connect, Ivanti also provides a solution which allows enterprise applications to be developed, distributed and secured much faster.

Ivanti Sentry

ivanti Sentry is an intelligent gateway designed to manage, encrypt, and protect traffic between mobile devices and the back-end system. It can be used to:

  • Enforcing security policies
  • Access management to company information
  • Encryption of e-mail attachments
  • Managing app traffic

Ivanti Monitor

Ivanti Monitor is a comprehensive dashboard solution, ideal for monitoring the status of all critical UEM components and identifying potential performance issues well before they become a problem. Relevant KPI are visualized and can be exported.

MobileIron Authenticator

Ivanti Authenticator

Ivanti Authenticator guarantees extremely high security standards for your user accounts. The app ensures that platforms defined in the UEM portal require multi-factor authentication (MFA/2FA). In this process, users will be asked to verify the log-in procedure via their Ivanti-managed mobile device.

Secure access thanks to Ivanti Access

Ivanti Access allows you to implement intelligent policies to prevent unauthorized devices, users, or apps accessing your company resources. In secure environments, however, Seamless-Single Sign-On does not require the entry of user data.

MobileIron Access1
MobileIron Threat Defense1

Mobile security thanks To Ivanti Threat Defense

Ivanti Threat Defense offers you effective protection against cyberattacks – especially attacks via malware and WiFi access points. The solution allows you to define security policies and detect and mitigate known and previously unknown mobile threats using artificial intelligence algorithms – even when there is no Internet connection.

Wie sich Unternehmen in 2025 richtig aufstellen sollten


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