What is Girls' Day all about?
Girls’ Day gives girls* the opportunity to familiarise themselves with professions in which few women have previously worked. These are primarily professions in the fields of IT, skilled trades, natural sciences and technology. They also have the opportunity to meet female role models in leading positions in business and politics.
Why are we organising an EBF Girls' Day?
The shortage of skilled labour is a growing problem, particularly in the IT sector. According to the Bitkom study on the labour market for IT specialists, around 149,000 IT positions were vacant in 2023 – 12,000 more than in the previous year. 77% of the companies surveyed fear that the situation will worsen in the coming years due to demographic developments.
It is therefore incredibly important to counteract the shortage of skilled labour. In addition to a number of other measures, the promotion of young IT talent plays a very important role – also for us.
This is precisely why it is part of our sustainability vision to get children interested in IT and make it easier for them to enter the IT world. And this is especially true for young girls. A Bitkom study from 2022 came to the conclusion that only 7% of the companies surveyed had a proportion of women of 26-50%. 11% of IT companies had no women at all in their workforce and 76% had less than 25% women.
Unfortunately, we also have to count ourselves among the 76% – but we are determined to change this. We want to take a first step in this direction with Girls’ Day. 🙂
What is planned for Girls' Day at EBF?
Why do we work with codiviti?
In preparing for the day and on the day itself, we will be supported by the codiviti initiative, which is committed to digital education and equal opportunities for children in a variety of ways. Through project days, working groups, holiday camps and many other initiatives, codiviti teaches children aged 6 to 14 the basics of coding, encourages creativity and awakens their interest in digital topics. During the projects, the children learn to think ahead, to look at things from a different perspective and to divide tasks into many small tasks. They realise that coding doesn’t just start at the computer and are able to work things out on their own and achieve successes that motivate them to stay on the ball. The team therefore knows exactly how to introduce girls* to the topic on Girls’ Day. 🙂
But it wasn’t just the idea of a Girls’ Day that excited us. We also think the other codiviti initiatives are great. We therefore also work with the team in other areas, such as setting up and managing iPads, which are used when schools do not have the necessary technical equipment. And we support codiviti in organising project days and holiday camps where children can immerse themselves in the world of IT. Our colleagues accompany the experienced codiviti teachers on the courses and help with IT expertise.
All these programmes provide children and schools with important stimuli that they often do not receive in everyday school and family life, but which are so important for the future.
* and genderqueer kids

Are you in year 7 or 8 and want to take part? Then we look forward to your registration! Or forward the link if you know girls* who might be interested.
We are already looking forward to an exciting day!